I\'m using class members to hold constants. E.g.:
function Foo() {
Foo.CONSTANT1 = 1;
Foo.CONSTANT2 = 2;
This works fine, except that it see
You said your coming from Java - why don't you store that class in 1 file then and constants at the end of the file. This is what I use:
filename: PopupWindow.js
function PopupWindow() {
//private class memebers
var popup, lightbox;
//public class memeber or method (it is the same in JS if I am right)
this.myfuncOrmyMemeber = function() {};
//static variable
PopupWindow._instance = null;
//same thing again with constant-like name (you can't have "final" in JS if I am right, so it is not immutable constant but its close enough ;) - just remember not to set varibales with BIG_LETTERS :D)
PopupWindow.MY_CONSTANT = 1;
//yea, and same thing with static methods again
PopupWindow._getInstance = function() {};
So only difference is the position of static stuff. It is not nicly aligned inside class curly braces, but who cares, its always ctrl+click in IDE (or I use ctr+l to show all class methods - IntellijIdea can do that in JS dunno how about other IDEs) so your not gonna search it by your eye ;)
Yea and I use _ before static method - it is not needed, I don't know why I started to do that :)