Why does my IIS7 application pool shutdown after an exception in a DLL called from an ASP.NET page?

前端 未结 2 893
后悔当初 2021-02-18 13:01

I\'ve read the posts ASP.NET application pool shutdown problem and IIS 7.5: problem with Application pool but they didn\'t answer my question.

I\'ve got a C# ASP.NET pag

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-18 13:34

    It happened to me once. The real error(in my case) was a stack-overflow that was shutting down the pool.

    It seem like IIS was protecting itself from consuming too much resources.

    I found the problem using DebugDiag.

    Here is where I started: http://www.webdebug.net/index.php/2012/12/collect-iis-crash-dump-with-debugdiag/

    I'd like to understand why an exception in an external DLL can cause the IIS application pool to shutdown, even if the exception is being caught inside the DLL and also when calling the DLL's method from within the code behind of the ASP.NET page.

    The external dll also run in your application pool. A major crash in this dll will also crash your application pool. Some exceptions can't be handle and the stackoverflow exception is one of them. Subject is discused here. Maybe it is what happen in your case.
