I have run into a problem where my Lambda functions can no longer create new ENI\'s in a VPC subnet once an ENI has been detached and deleted from that subnet. I have reproduced
From the research I have done this afternoon it appears this is a limitation of Lambda functions running in a VPC and has been for over a year. There is a six hour delay in the clean up of ENI's after a Lambda function has been deleted. My manual detachment and deletion of the ENI made things worse because it seems the ENI isn't really removed until after the six hour delay. The manual deletion seems to put the ENI in some sort of orphaned state that prevents new ENI's from being created in that subnet until after AWS has cleaned up the old one.
So it seems currently the only solution to forcing clean up is to delete the ENI and the subnet it was in. :-/
I let my serverless remove command run for a long time (without me speeding things along by manually deleting the ENI) and it did eventually finish but it took 40 minutes. The ENI was left behind but everything else was cleaned up. I imagine in six hours that ENI will disappear.