I\'m writing a type-safe code and want to replace apply()
generated for case class
es with my own implementation. Here it is:
import shap
So you can make the constructor private and ensure that T
is also something different to Nothing
I believe the best way to ensure the constructor is private (as well as many other things as @MateuszKubuszok show) is to use a (sealed) trait instead of a class:
(if you can not use a trait for whatever reasons, please refer to Mateusz's answer)
import shapeless._
sealed trait Data
final case object Remote extends Data
final case object Local extends Data
sealed trait SomeClass {
type T <: Data
object SomeClass {
type Aux[TT] = SomeClass { type T = TT }
def apply[TT <: Data](implicit ev1: TT =:!= Data, ev2: TT =:!= Nothing): Aux[TT] =
new SomeClass { override final type T = TT }
Which works like this:
SomeClass() // Does not compile.
SomeClass.apply[Remote.type] // Compiles.
SomeClass.apply[Data] // Does not compile.
You can see it running here.