Solr has the built-in \"Analysis Screen\", which helps to debug the interplay between tokenizers and filters for specific field types:
There is one standalone tool called elyzer made by the nice folks at OpenSource Connections. That tool will show you the state of your tokens at any step (char filter, tokenizer, token filter) of the analysis process and it is very simple to use.
Installing it is very simple via pip install elyzer
and then you can use it as a command-line tool, e.g.
$ elyzer --es "http://localhost:9200" --index tmdb --analyzer english_bigrams --text "Mary had a little lamb"
TOKENIZER: standard
{1:Mary} {2:had} {3:a} {4:little} {5:lamb}
TOKEN_FILTER: standard
{1:Mary} {2:had} {3:a} {4:little} {5:lamb}
TOKEN_FILTER: lowercase
{1:mary} {2:had} {3:a} {4:little} {5:lamb}
TOKEN_FILTER: porter_stem
{1:mari} {2:had} {3:a} {4:littl} {5:lamb}
TOKEN_FILTER: bigram_filter
{1:mari had} {2:had a} {3:a littl} {4:littl lamb}