Adding the linked issue on tracker:
So I installed the DP5 Android 7.0 rele
I've found that wrapping the Parcelable in a Bundle works.
// When setting up the PendingIntent for the AlarmManager:
Intent intent = new Intent(context, MyService.class);
MyParcelable myParcelable = new MyParcelable();
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putParcelable(EXTRA_MY_PARCELABLE, myParcelable);
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_BUNDLE, b);
PendingIntent.getService(0, intent, 0);
// From the Service (or Activity, BroadcastReceiver, etc.):
Bundle b = intent.getExtra(EXTRA_BUNDLE);
MyParcelable myParcelable = b.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_MY_PARCELABLE);
However, I'm not sure how future-proof this approach is. I've commented on the issue on the android bug tracker: but I doubt it's going to receive a response since the issue has already been marked closed.