I want to create a custom button. This button should have a gradient and a two pixel border, but the inner and outer edge should be in a different color (example: inner is red a
If you want to go by plain Java code then you need to create a class which extends the button, write all your logic in
public void onDraw(Canvas iCanvas)
I have pasted small code snippet from one of my project. Give it a try. thought I have not created the gradient, I have used plain colors.
public class MyButton extends Button {
private Paint m_paint1 = new Paint();
private Paint m_paint2 = new Paint();
private int m_color1 = 0XFF92C84D; // LIKE AN OLIVE GREEN..
private int m_color2 = 0XFFFF0000; // LIKE AN OLIVE GREEN..
private RectF innerRect1, innerRect2;
public MyButton(Context context) {
public void onDraw(Canvas iCanvas) {
// draw the button background
innerRect1 = new RectF(5, 5, getWidth() - 5, getHeight() - 5);
innerRect2 = new RectF(10, 10, getWidth() - 10, getHeight() - 10);
iCanvas.drawRoundRect(innerRect1, 0, 0, m_paint1);
iCanvas.drawRoundRect(innerRect2, 0, 0, m_paint2);
public static RelativeLayout.LayoutParams GetRelativeParam(int iLeft,
int iTop, int iWidth, int iHeight) {
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
iHeight, iWidth);
params.leftMargin = iLeft;
params.topMargin = iTop;
return params;
RelativeLayout relLay = new RelativeLayout(this);
MyButton m_button = new MyButton(this);
relLay.addView(m_button, MyButton.GetRelativeParam(0, 0, 100, 500));