supports, through the WebEditingDelegate
, a mechanism for the delegate to implement custom behavior for a variety of actions the WebView<
Have you looked at the source code?
I don't see how -changeAttributes:
is calling -webView:doCommandBySelector:
, as within this class it's only called inside its own -doCommandBySelector:
- (void)changeAttributes:(id)sender
[self _applyStyleToSelection:[self _styleForAttributeChange:sender] withUndoAction:EditActionChangeAttributes];
- (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector
if (![[webView _editingDelegateForwarder] webView:webView doCommandBySelector:aSelector] && coreFrame) {
Also, why can't you subclass WebHTMLView? Is it because of the Mac App Store restrictions on API? Does WebKit count as private? I thought it was Open Source.