I have a grid linked to a store with autoLoad: true
. The problem is that the store gets loaded on application launch, even if the view is created only later when ac
This is my final controller code:
Ext.define('Mb.controller.Winbiz', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
views: [
refs: [{ref: 'testGrid', selector: 'test-gridPanel'}],
init: function(){
store: {
'#Owners':{ load: this.onOwnersLoad}
'menu #test': {click: this.onMenuTest},
'test-gridPanel': {render: this.onOwnersRender}
onMenuTest: function(){
onOwnersLoad: function(store){
store.loaded = true
onOwnersRender: function(){
var store = this.getTestGrid().getStore();
It puts all code into the controller as suggested by @pcguru and uses the render event to shorten the code as suggested by @Lolo. Thanks