How could we convert SQLite database to a Realm database?
Is there any way to use pre-populated databases with Realm on Android?
This is an answer to the second part of the question.
While shipping a prepopulated database in the assets folder of your app, analogous to the official Objective-C to bundle of Realm with your app, is still probably the fastest way to get a prepopulated Realm if you have a lot of data. But as of Realm Java 0.89 there is now an official way to prepopulate a Realm database on Android.
There is now a method that allows for specifying a transaction to be run when a Realm database is created for the first time. You should call this method, initialData(Realm.Transaction transaction), as part of setting up the RealmConfiguration Builder.
For example
RealmConfiguration config = new RealmConfiguration.Builder(context)
.initialData(new MyInitialDataRealmTransaction()),