How can I get the swagger codegen to use an existing class instead of creating a new class? Is this possible? For instance I want to use
It's not always possible to use --import-mappings
if you have long list of mappings.
(At least in case of Windows, which has size-limit for string in command prompt.)
That is why better way do it: use mapping with swagger configuration file.
(And this option is not fully documented.)
Like that:
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-2.3.1.jar generate -i myspec.yaml -l java -c myconfig.json
"hideGenerationTimestamp": true,
"dateLibrary": "java8",
"useRuntimeException": true,
"modelPackage": "",
"apiPackage": "",
"importMappings": {
"Page": "",
"MySuperType": ""