From docs:
Using volatile variables reduces the risk of memory consistency errors
But this means that sometimes volatile variables
Volatile does the following:
- It prevents the caching the values in the Thread.
- It makes sure that the threads having the copies of the values of the fields of the object reconcile with the main copy present in the memory.
- Making sure the data is written directly to the memory and read from memory itself.
## But the condition where volatile fails:
- Making a Non-Atomic statement Volatile
int count = 0;
count++; // Increment operator is Not Atomic in java
## Better option:
1. Its always better to follow the Brian's Rule
When ever we write a variable which is next to be read by another thread, or when we are reading a variable which is written just by another thread, it needs to be synchronized.
The shared fields must be made private, making the read and write methods/atomic statements synchronized.
2. Second option is using the Atomic Classes
, like AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, AtomicReference, etc.
## See this link, i have asked a similar question like yours:
Why Volatile is behaving weirdly