Django-Registration has several form classes in the file. One is \"class RegistrationFormTermsOfService(RegistrationForm) ..
What do I change in the rest of Dja
Updating the accepted answer to conform with Django 1.5 and the latest version of django-registration:
from registration.forms import RegistrationFormTermsOfService
from registration.backends.default.views import RegistrationView
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^accounts/register/$', RegistrationView.as_view(form_class=RegistrationFormTermsOfService), name='registration_register'),
# your other URLconf stuff follows ...
then update the registration_form.html template and add a tos
field, e.g.:
{% if form.tos.errors %}
{{ form.tos.errors.as_text }}
{% endif %}
{{ form.tos }}