I want to copy some files from a network shared drive (mounted at my local machine as drive Z). I have written a Batch file to copy the contents of Z drive into my local drive.
If you don't want to use Jenkins-plugins or schedule-Tasks here is a "groovy" way:
By Hand:
You can use the Groovy Script-Console provided by Jenkins>Manage Jenkins>Script Console and execute the command to map the network-drive within the Jenkins-service. (Must be repeated, once the Jenkins-service is stopped)
Write your Groovy commands to a file named "init.groovy" and place it in your JENKINS_HOME-directory. So the network-drive gets mapped on Jenkins-startup.
Groovy Commands - Windows:
Check available network drives using the Script-Console:
println "net use".execute().getText()
Your init.groovy would look like this:
def mapdrive = "net use z: \\\\YOUR_REMOTE_MACHINE\\SHARED_FOLDERNAME"