I have an application in iphone market which works for iPhone 4s and lower version. So now iPhone 5 has been launched which bigger size screen, my question is what all changes i
To make older app compatible with iPhone 5 You need to look for Following things.
Latest Xcode version 4.5.
Open your project and select Upgrade settings for new version.
Add Default-568h@2x.png for new resolution .
For UI you have to change your xib's object autoresizing property.When you select View Go to inspector and select size property It will show you None, Full Screen, Retina 4 options . Set autoresize property for all your Buttons , labels and check xib for retina 4 and None both.It is same like you set it for Landscape and portrait .
5.Some other changed will be in code because some method has been depreciated for ios 6.0. 6. After doing all this .You can run it on iphone 5 simulator for testing.