I want to make a Python program that will run a bisection method to determine the root of:
f(x) = -26 + 85x - 91x2 +44x3 -8x4 + x5
The Bisecti
With tolerance:
# there is only one root
def fn(x):
return x**3 + 5*x - 9
# define bisection method
def bisection( eq, segment, app = 0.3 ):
a, b = segment['a'], segment['b']
Fa, Fb = eq(a), eq(b)
if Fa * Fb > 0:
raise Exception('No change of sign - bisection not possible')
while( b - a > app ):
x = ( a + b ) / 2.0
f = eq(x)
if f * Fa > 0: a = x
else: b = x
return x
#test it
print bisection(fn,{'a':0,'b':5}, 0.00003) # => 1.32974624634
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