I host Kafka in Docker in Windows. Wurstmeister/Kafka docker image is used. Kafka data is stored in local Windows folder for persistency. Windows folder is mapped to Kafka docke
This issue still exists in Windows for Kafka ver 1.1.0 (kafka_2.12-1.1.0) when I try to delete the topic.
The topic gets marked for deletion and the Kafka server fails with java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException when trying to rename the logs directory 'test-0'
Deleting the whole test-0 logs folder does not help. Reinstalling the Kafka server does not help either - even after reinstalling, the info about the topic marked for deletion remains.
Took me a couple of hours to figure out that the info about the topic sits in the Zookeeper - in one of the log files!
Stop the Zookeeper process. Go to your Zookeeper logs folder zookeeper-3.x.x\bin\zookeeper-3.x.xdata\version-2\ and delete the latest log.xx files. Restart Zookeper. Restart Kafka server.