I have found a thread in ionic on this topic: http://forum.ionicframework.com/t/making-phone-call-from-app-href-tel-123/1968/11.
It mentions the whitelist plugin: https:
I have resolved this issue. In my environment(ionic version: 1.4.3 cordova version: 5.0.0), I don't need to add any Plugin or revising the configuration file as ozhanli mentioned. The directive can work as expected. So why I ask this problem? Because I test my program in the simulator, which doesn't support the phone call, message and so on. After deploying my program to a physical device, the directive works.
So if you want to make a phone call in IONIC(ionic version: 1.4.3 cordova version: 5.0.0) , just add this code to make it work:
Notice: Test it in physical device, not in simulator.