Speed up loading an image from disk in a windows forms (c#.net) app

前端 未结 6 1668
梦谈多话 2021-02-15 13:21

I\'m currently working on an app that allows the user to play (automatically scroll) through a series of local images. Usually there will be five or six on screen at once.

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-02-15 14:00

    If you have 6 images displayed at once, and you change them all every 1/6 of a second, you should be running into performance issues. Loading 150 kb from disk should be a trivial activity even without caching. It sounds like you may be overdoing the file loads. Are you sure you are only loading 6 images at a time? Are you reading images from disk that are not displayed?

    If you can you provide a little more detail of the application flow, I may be able to be a little more helpful.
