I\'d like to reproduce this html sequence of radio buttons with simple_form in order to make simple_form work with http://semantic-ui.com/ syntax :
I had done something similar to this before by creating a custom input that inherits from SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionRadioButtonsInput
and overloading just a few methods. For more on custom input components, see https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form/wiki/Adding-custom-input-components.
In any case, the code below produces your desired html markup almost exactly using simple_form v2.1.0 and rails v3.2.15.
# File: app/inputs/semantic_ui_radio_buttons_input.rb
class SemanticUiRadioButtonsInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionRadioButtonsInput
# Creates a radio button set for use with Semantic UI
def input
label_method, value_method = detect_collection_methods
iopts = {
:checked => 1,
:item_wrapper_tag => 'div',
:item_wrapper_class => 'field',
:collection_wrapper_tag => 'div',
:collection_wrapper_class => 'grouped inline fields'
return @builder.send(
end # method
def build_nested_boolean_style_item_tag(collection_builder)
tag = String.new
tag << ''.html_safe
tag << collection_builder.radio_button + collection_builder.label
tag << ''.html_safe
return tag.html_safe
end # method
end # class
Then, in your form, just do:
-# File: app/views//_form.html.haml
-# Define the collection
- child_care_coll = %w( Infant Toddler Preschool Kindergarten ).map!.with_index(1).to_a
-# Render the radio inputs
= f.input :child_care_type,
:collection => child_care_coll,
:label_method => :first,
:value_method => :last,
:as => :semantic_ui_radio_buttons