I would like to run a query like
select ... as days where `date` is between \'2010-01-20\' and \'2010-01-24\'
And return data like:
improved with weekday an joining a custom holiday table microsoft MSSQL 2012 for powerpivot date table https://gist.github.com/josy1024/cb1487d66d9e0ccbd420bc4a23b6e90e
with [dates] as (
select convert(datetime, '2016-01-01') as [date] --start
union all
select dateadd(day, 1, [date])
from [dates]
where [date] < '2018-01-01' --end
select [date]
, DATEPART (dw,[date]) as Wochentag
, (select holidayname from holidaytable
where holidaytable.hdate = [date])
as Feiertag
from [dates]
where [date] between '2016-01-01' and '2016-31-12'
option (maxrecursion 0)