Basically I have a Youtube URL as string, I want to extract the video Id from that URL. I found some code in objective c that is as below:
NSError *error = NULL;
A Swift 4 version using the elegant flatMap
func extractYouTubeId(from url: String) -> String? {
let typePattern = "(?:(?:\\.be\\/|embed\\/|v\\/|\\?v=|\\&v=|\\/videos\\/)|(?:[\\w+]+#\\w\\/\\w(?:\\/[\\w]+)?\\/\\w\\/))([\\w-_]+)"
let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: typePattern, options: .caseInsensitive)
return regex
.flatMap { $0.firstMatch(in: url, range: NSMakeRange(0, url.count)) }
.flatMap { Range($0.range(at: 1), in: url) }
.map { String(url[$0]) }
This method uses a regex that detects most of the possible YouTube URL formats (.be/*
, /embed/
, /v/
- you can find the full list here).