In org-mode, a line starting with a colon is formatted as source code. ( )
In literate Haskell, source code lines start w
I'm a bit late, but I recently started to work on the 99 Haskell problems and decided to collect my work in an org mode file.
The orgmode way of literate programming (as I understand it), is to encapsulate source code blocks in BEGIN/END blocks. For example,
#+BEGIN_SRC hs :tangle yes
myReverse :: [a] -> [a]
myReverse l = myReverse' l []
myReverse' [] accu = accu
myReverse' (x:xs) accu = myReverse' xs (x:accu)
Such a structured orgmode document can then be
exported Exporting is the transformation of an orgmode file to one of several other file formats by means of a backend. Some of those formats are PDF, LateX or HTML.
tangled This goes in the direction of literate programming and weaving. Code blocks can be exported to pure source files. This is what I do in my 99 problems file.
executed Source code blocks can be executed, and the result of this execution can be placed directly in the orgmode file. I have not tried this yet for haskell.
You can have a look at my attempts at github: There I tangle the orgmode file to two haskell files, a module and a test harness, which can then be tested in ghc or ghci.