I am learning the front-end build system currently gulp, i want to use brower-sync and the problem is it is not throwing an error in the commad line but instead when it brings
I solved my "Cannot GET" errors in browser-sync by always pointing to a .html file in code, or by having a folder structure ending with and index.html
My Gulp file for reference (using browser-sync with jekyll, so everything is in the ./_site folder, and the gulpfile is in ./)
var gulp = require('gulp');
var shell = require('gulp-shell');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
gulp.task('build', shell.task(['jekyll build --watch']));
// serving blog with Browsersync
gulp.task('serve', function () {
server: {baseDir: '_site/'}
// Reloads page when some of the already built files changed:
gulp.watch('_site/**/*.*').on('change', browserSync.reload);
gulp.task('default', ['build', 'serve']);
Hope it helps.