I\'m having some trouble aggregating a data frame while keeping the groups in their original order (order based on first appearance in data frame). I\'ve managed to get it right
A bit tough to read, but it gives you what you want and I added some comments to clarify.
# Define the columns you want to combine into the grouping variable
sel.col <- grepl("^sel", names(orig.df))
# Create the grouping variable
lev <- apply(orig.df[sel.col], 1, paste, collapse=" ")
# Split and sum up
t(sapply(split(orig.df[!sel.col], factor(lev, levels=unique(lev))),
apply, 2, sum)))
The output looks like this
sel.1 sel.2 add.1 add.2
1 5 4 96 84
2 2 2 175 176
3 1 5 384 366
5 2 5 95 89
6 4 1 174 192
7 2 4 82 87
8 5 3 91 98
10 3 2 189 178
11 1 4 170 183
14 1 1 100 91
17 3 3 81 82
19 5 5 83 88
20 2 3 90 96