Function for this in a C-variant called LPC follows. Some notes:
- Addition to input value at beginning is to try to cope with precision issues that otherwise love to wind up telling you that 5 is 4 999999/1000000.
- The to_int() function truncates to integer.
- Language has a to_string() that will turn some floats into exponential notation.
string strfrac(float frac) {
int main = to_int(frac + frac / 1000000.0);
string out = to_string(main);
float rem = frac - to_float(main);
string rep;
if(rem > 0 && (to_int(rep = to_string(rem)) || member(rep, 'e') == Null)) {
int array primes = ({ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47 });
string base;
int exp;
int num;
int div;
if(sscanf(rep, "%se%d", base, exp) == 2) {
num = to_int(replace(base, ".", ""));
div = to_int(pow(10, abs(exp)));
} else {
rep = rep[2..];
num = to_int(rep);
div = to_int(pow(10, strlen(rep)));
foreach(int prime : primes) {
if(prime > num)
while((num / prime) * prime == num && (div / prime) * prime == div) {
num /= prime;
div /= prime;
out += " " + num + "/" + div;
return out;