I have a grammar that works and parses in the Irony console just fine, but I don\'t get anything in the AST treeview. I was following along with the BASIC->Javascript article f
In Irony parsing is done in 2 phases. First it creates a parse tree and then it creates your AST tree.
You are only seeing the first step. In order for Irony to create the AST you can:
Tell it how to to map your NonTerminals to AST nodes:
E.g. looking at the Irony sample grammer ExpressionEvaluatorGrammar we see:
var BinExpr = new NonTerminal("BinExpr", typeof(BinaryOperationNode));`
Here the we are telling Irony to map the BinExpr NonTerminal to a BinaryOperationNode which is our AST node.
Make it generate the AST when parsing:
When you set this flag the AST tree will be generated when you parse.
this.LanguageFlags = LanguageFlags.CreateAst;
The root of your AST tree will then be:
I found this source a great starting point.