I\'m setting up a demo landscape for Cassandra, Apache Spark and Flume on my Mac (Mac OS X Yosemite with Oracle jdk1.7.0_55). The landscape shall work as a proof of concept for
cqlsh's COPY
command can be touchy. However, in the COPY documentation is this line:
The number of columns in the CSV input is the same as the number of columns in the Cassandra table metadata.
Keeping that in-mind, I did manage to get your data to import with a COPY FROM
, by naming the empty fields (processstarttimeuuid
and processendtimeuuid
, respectively):
aploetz@cqlsh:stackoverflow> COPY process (processuuid, processid, processnumber,
processname, processstarttime, processstarttimeuuid, processendtime,
processendtimeuuid, processstatus, orderer, vorgangsnummer, vehicleid, fin, reference,
referencetype) FROM 'Process_BulkData.csv' WITH DELIMITER = ';' AND HEADER = TRUE;
1 rows imported in 0.018 seconds.
aploetz@cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT * FROM process ;
processuuid | fin | orderer | processendtime | processendtimeuuid | processid | processname | processnumber | processstarttime | processstarttimeuuid | processstatus | reference | referencetype | vehicleid | vorgangsnummer
0f0d1498-d149-4fcc-87c9-f12783fdf769 | WAU2345CX67890876 | SIXT | 2011-02-16 22:05:00+-0600 | null | AbmeldungKl‰rfall | Abmeldung Kl‰rfall | 1 | 2011-02-02 22:05:00+-0600 | null | Finished | KLA-BR4278 | internal | A-XA 1 | 4278
(1 rows)