I have 2 arrays of equal length. The following function attempts to calculate the slope using these arrays. It returns the average of the slope between each points. For the foll
Edit: use Apache Commons Math class SimpleRegression if that's an option. Else, here's a method that calculates slope and also intercept, should yield the same results as excel and apache:
private static double intercept(List yList, List xList) {
if (yList.size() != xList.size())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of y and x must be the same");
if (yList.size() < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need at least 2 y, x");
double yAvg = average(yList);
double xAvg = average(xList);
double sumNumerator = 0d;
double sumDenominator = 0d;
for (int i = 0; i < yList.size(); i++) {
double y = yList.get(i);
double x = xList.get(i);
double yDiff = y - yAvg;
double xDiff = x - xAvg;
double numerator = xDiff * yDiff;
double denominator = xDiff * xDiff;
sumNumerator += numerator;
sumDenominator += denominator;
double slope = sumNumerator / sumDenominator;
double intercept = yAvg - (slope * xAvg);
return intercept;
private static double average(Collection doubles) {
return doubles.stream().collect(Collectors.averagingDouble(d -> d));
Sources: Excel doc for SLOPE Excel doc for INTERCEPT