I just want convert an array of Player Names into a dictionary Scoreboard, giving everyone an initial score of 0.
var playerNames =
Using reduce(into:_:):
var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
let playerScore = playerNames.reduce(into: [:]) { counts, playerNames in
counts[playerNames, default: 0] += 0
To keep a count of the players names (eg. duplicate names):
counts[myArray, default: 0] += 1
So for example if Ron had two entries before the game started (score > 0) then you would know.
Without using reduce(into:_:)
method and as an extension:
var playerNames = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
extension Sequence where Self.Iterator.Element: Hashable {
func freq() -> [Self.Iterator.Element: Int] {
return reduce([:]) {
( iter: [Self.Iterator.Element: Int], element) in
var dict = iter
dict[element] = 0
return dict
// ["Harry": 0, "Hermione": 0, "Ron": 0]
keep a count (eg. duplicate names):
dict[element, default: -1 ] += 1