I have a database in PostgreSQL which is named DATA
in all caps. When I try to write an R data.frame to this database using RPostgreSQL like so:
There were definitely issues with tables in upper-case. In think we handle that now: Try quoting it as "DATA" and it should go through. Unquoted table identifier all get lower-cased.
Your issue is having the entire database in uppercase. It may also work with quoting, maybe even with '\"DATA\"'
as an argument to dbConnect.
Otherwise, reproducible examples on the list are best, and with some luck, Tomoaki will find a fix for your problem.
Oh, and we spell it like the package: RPostgreSQL with capital arrrrrrr, especially today on talk like a piRate day.
Edit: Looks like there is simply no issue with current versions on Ubuntu 11.04:
First, create DATA
edd@max:~$ createdb DATA
edd@max:~$ psql DATA
psql (8.4.8)
Type "help" for help.
DATA=# \q
Second, and in R, connect and save some data:
R> library(RPostgreSQL)
R> con <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), host="localhost", user= "edd",
+ password=".....", dbname="DATA")
R> con
R> dbWriteTable(con, "quicktest", cars)
[1] TRUE
Third, check for content in DATA
DATA=# select * from quicktest limit 5;
row_names | speed | dist
1 | 4 | 2
2 | 4 | 10
3 | 7 | 4
4 | 7 | 22
5 | 8 | 16
(5 rows)
Looking good to me.