How can I add JavaDoc or other document to netbeans ?
I try with this way :
Tools >> Java Platform >> JavaDoc Tab >> (in my de
You followed the very right procedure, I've been threw this right before I write this answer, and as for this is the first result that shows up when you Google the problem, I think that many people will find it handy and save their time, the solutions is:
UNZIP the file that you are referring to ( which is supposed to be for JavaSE 7 docs) and repeat the same procedure, which is Tools --> Java Platforms --> Javadoc ( tab ) then press " Add Zip/Folder, and point to the unzipped folder instead of the zipped one, restart NetBeans, and it will work smooth and direct.
You should download the docs file from the following link:
After completing the described operation, you will have your javadocs available offline, and you don't need to be connected to the internet to know about APIs.
Best regards brother.