Adjacent number algorithm grouper

前端 未结 13 1865
不思量自难忘° 2021-02-15 06:55

By which I mean this:

Given the input set of numbers:

1,2,3,4,5 becomes \"1-5\".

1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11,12,14 becomes \"1-3, 5, 7, 9-12, 14\"

This is

  •  谎友^
    谎友^ (楼主)
    2021-02-15 07:36

    Transcript of an interactive J session (user input is indented 3 spaces, text in ASCII boxes is J output):

       g =: 3 : '<@~."1((y~:1+({.,}:)y)#y),.(y~:(}.y,{:y)-1)#y'@/:~"1
       g 1 2 3 4 5
    |1 5|
       g 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 14
    |1 3|5|7|9 12|14|
       g 12 2 14 9 1 3 10 5 11 7
    |1 3|5|7|9 12|14|
       g2 =: 4 : '<(>x),'' '',>y'/@:>@:(4 :'<(>x),''-'',>y'/&.>)@((<@":)"0&.>@g)
       g2 12 2 14 9 1 3 10 5 11 7
    |1-3 5 7 9-12 14|
       (;g2) 5 1 20 $ (i.100) /: ? 100 $ 100
    |20 39 82 33 72 93 15 30 85 24 97 60 87 44 77 29 58 69 78 43|
    |                                                           |
    |67 89 17 63 34 41 53 37 61 18 88 70 91 13 19 65 99 81  3 62|
    |                                                           |
    |31 32  6 11 23 94 16 73 76  7  0 75 98 27 66 28 50  9 22 38|
    |                                                           |
    |25 42 86  5 55 64 79 35 36 14 52  2 57 12 46 80 83 84 90 56|
    |                                                           |
    | 8 96  4 10 49 71 21 54 48 51 26 40 95  1 68 47 59 74 92 45|
    |15 20 24 29-30 33 39 43-44 58 60 69 72 77-78 82 85 87 93 97|
    |3 13 17-19 34 37 41 53 61-63 65 67 70 81 88-89 91 99       |
    |0 6-7 9 11 16 22-23 27-28 31-32 38 50 66 73 75-76 94 98    |
    |2 5 12 14 25 35-36 42 46 52 55-57 64 79-80 83-84 86 90     |
    |1 4 8 10 21 26 40 45 47-49 51 54 59 68 71 74 92 95-96      |

    Readable and elegant are in the eye of the beholder :D

    That was a good exercise! It suggests the following segment of Perl:

    sub g {
        my ($i, @r, @s) = 0, local @_ = sort {$a<=>$b} @_;
        $_ && $_[$_-1]+1 == $_[$_] || push(@r, $_[$_]),
        $_<$#_ && $_[$_+1]-1 == $_[$_] || push(@s, $_[$_]) for 0..$#_;
        join ' ', map {$_ == $s[$i++] ? $_ : "$_-$s[$i-1]"} @r;


    In plain English, this algorithm finds all items where the previous item is not one less, uses them for the lower bounds; finds all items where the next item is not one greater, uses them for the upper bounds; and combines the two lists together item-by-item.

    Since J is pretty obscure, here's a short explanation of how that code works:

    x /: y sorts the array x on y. ~ can make a dyadic verb into a reflexive monad, so /:~ means "sort an array on itself".

    3 : '...' declares a monadic verb (J's way of saying "function taking one argument"). @ means function composition, so g =: 3 : '...' @ /:~ means "g is set to the function we're defining, but with its argument sorted first". "1 says that we operate on arrays, not tables or anything of higher dimensionality.

    Note: y is always the name of the only argument to a monadic verb.

    {. takes the first element of an array (head) and }: takes all but the last (curtail). ({.,}:)y effectively duplicates the first element of y and lops off the last element. 1+({.,}:)y adds 1 to it all, and ~: compares two arrays, true wherever they are different and false wherever they are the same, so y~:1+({.,}:)y is an array that is true in all the indices of y where an element is not equal to one more than the element that preceded it. (y~:1+({.,}:)y)#y selects all elements of y where the property stated in the previous sentence is true.

    Similarly, }. takes all but the first element of an array (behead) and {: takes the last (tail), so }.y,{:y is all but the first element of y, with the last element duplicated. (}.y,{:y)-1 subtracts 1 to it all, and again ~: compares two arrays item-wise for non-equality while # picks.

    ,. zips the two arrays together, into an array of two-element arrays. ~. nubs a list (eliminates duplicates), and is given the "1 rank, so it operates on the inner two-element arrays rather than the top-level array. This is @ composed with <, which puts each subarray into a box (otherwise J will extend each subarray again to form a 2D table).

    g2 is a mess of boxing and unboxing (otherwise J will pad strings to equal length), and is pretty uninteresting.
