I need to group the data from a neo4j database and then to filter out everything except the top n
records of every group.
I have two node
MATCH (o:Order)-[r:ADDED]->(a:Article)
WITH o, r, a
ORDER BY o.oid, r.t
WITH o, COLLECT(a)[..2] AS topArticlesByOrder UNWIND topArticlesByOrder AS a
RETURN a.aid AS articleId, COUNT(*) AS count
Results look like
articleId count
8 6
2 2
4 5
7 2
3 3
6 5
0 7
on this sample graph created with
FOREACH(opar IN RANGE(1,15) |
MERGE (o:Order {oid:opar})
FOREACH(apar IN RANGE(1,5) |
MERGE (a:Article {aid:TOINT(RAND()*10)})
CREATE o-[:ADDED {t:timestamp() - TOINT(RAND()*1000)}]->a