How can I add the suffix on the day number of a unix date?
I\'ll explain. I have a TextMate bundle snippit that writes out today\'s date. It uses unix date and
I have something similar working on a Linux machine (Ubuntu 8.10). I don't think it will work with Solaris, the one machine I tested did not allow using a _ character following the % to avoid padding the field with a 0. The non-padding allows date to return 1 instead of 01 (01st doesn't look right versus 1st).
I use a shell function (again, your OS or shell version may not like the way I defined the function) named DaySuffix, then call that func as part of the date call. The func itself is fairly hacky, I'm sure there is a better way to do this but it works for me. Note the special cases for 11, 12, & 13 - you've got to love the English language!
DaySuffix() {
if [ "x`date +%-d | cut -c2`x" = "xx" ]
DayNum=`date +%-d`
DayNum=`date +%-d | cut -c2`
CheckSpecialCase=`date +%-d`
case $DayNum in
0 )
echo "th" ;;
1 )
if [ "$CheckSpecialCase" = "11" ]
echo "th"
echo "st"
fi ;;
2 )
if [ "$CheckSpecialCase" = "12" ]
echo "th"
echo "nd"
fi ;;
3 )
if [ "$CheckSpecialCase" = "13" ]
echo "th"
echo "rd"
fi ;;
[4-9] )
echo "th" ;;
* )
return 1 ;;
# Using consolidated date command from chris_l
# Also using %-d instead of %d so it doesn't pad with 0's
date "+%A %-d`DaySuffix` %B %Y"