I know there are a lot of posts on the subject but I cannot find one that helps me do what I want. I know that I will eventually be using Automapper but before I start playing w
In order to populate a list of shipments based on your view model object you would need to create a mapping method to map from your collection of shipments from your database to a collection of shipments based on your view model:
var model = new List();
foreach(var h in shipments)
var viewModel = new ShippingHeaderSummaryVM
ID = h.ID
Site = r.Site
DateShipped = h.DateShipped
EstDeliveryDate = h.EstDeliveryDate
TrackingNo = h.TrackingNumber
FromSitePOC = e.LastName
NumOrders = h.ShippingLI.Count
Shipper = s.Shipper
HeaderComments = h.HeaderComments
return model;
As a side note, this becomes a one liner after you have AutoMapper up and running:
var model = Mapper.Map, IEnumerable>(shipments);
While, learning how to do things manually is great. Manually mapping models doesn't really benefit you in any way or form. Go with AutoMapper.