I found this code in a RailsCast:
def tag_names
@tag_names || tags.map(&:name).join(\' \')
What does the (&:name)
While let us also note that ampersand #to_proc
magic can work with any class, not just Symbol. Many Rubyists choose to define #to_proc
on Array class:
class Array
def to_proc
proc { |receiver| receiver.send *self }
# And then...
[ 'Hello', 'Goodbye' ].map &[ :+, ' world!' ]
#=> ["Hello world!", "Goodbye world!"]
Ampersand &
works by sending to_proc
message on its operand, which, in the above code, is of Array class. And since I defined #to_proc
method on Array, the line becomes:
[ 'Hello', 'Goodbye' ].map { |receiver| receiver.send( :+, ' world!' ) }