I am attempting to draw a pie chart using the d3.js library and TypeScript. I have the following code:
\"use strict\";
module Chart {
export class chart {
Came here because I had the same problem with D3 v5!
Solution: Use the PieArcDatum
interface (Very strange name in my opinion!!!)
import { PieArcDatum } from 'd3-shape';
type Population = { time: string, population: number; };
const svg = element.append("g")
.attr("transform", `translate(${300}, ${160})`)
const pie = d3.pie()
.value((record) => record.population);
const path = d3.arc>()
// Beim selectAll kommt eine leere Selection zurück da es noch keinen Circle gibt
const data = pie(worldPopulation);
const arch = svg.selectAll(".arc")
.attr("class", "arc")
.attr("d", path)
Sidenote: I'm using WebStorm, WS was not able to find (autoimport) PieArcDatum - I had to import it manually...