I\'m trying to make a single $http
request to get one of my JSON files and use the data across all my controllers.
I saw on egghead.io how to share data acr
My issue was that I didn't want to wait for resolve
before loading another controller because it would show a "lag" between controllers if the network is slow. My working solution is passing a promise between controllers via ui-router
's params
and the data from promise can be loaded asynchronously in the second controller as such:
app.route.js - setting the available params to be passed to SearchController, which shows the search results
.state('search', {
url: '/search',
templateUrl: baseDir + 'search/templates/index.html',
controller: 'SearchController',
params: {
searchPromise: null
landing.controller.js - controller where the user adds search input and submits
let promise = SearchService.search(form);
$state.go('search', {
searchPromise: promise
search.service.js - a service that returns a promise from the user input
function search(params) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
$timeout(function() {
resolve([]) // mimic a slow query but illustrates a point
}, 3000)
search.controller.js - where search controller
let promise = $state.params.searchPromise;
promise.then(r => {
console.log('search result',r);