Why can\'t a compiler be written that manages what needs to be managed in C++ code (i.e. to make it \"CLR compatible\")?
Maybe with some compromise, li
I agree with 5hammer ! If I left Java and other managed languages that's not for nothing : that's to have FULL control over the computer, access memory manage memory myself, have control over how the computer will run my code, integrate with C libraries (such as Lua). If I loose that flexibility, then I would just leave C++ and fall back to C, and if C becomes managed too, then I would go to assembler.
Managed languages are the worst ones ever for all gaming platforms/complex programs as they are bounding you in some kine of sandbox with no direct access to the hardware, and are much slower than compiled languages.
The main purpose of C++ had always been Performence. It's one of the best language for big Games. And without this language performences a lot of games would not exist !