I\'m looking for an optimal way to resize wrapping text in a TextView
so that it will fit within its getHeight and getWidth bounds. I\'m not simply looking for
Here's an enumeration of what else I've found for anyone still searching:
1) Here's a solution that recursively re-paints the textview until it fits. This means literally watching your text shrink into place, but at least it fits when it's done. The code will need some tweaking to implement, but it's mostly there.
2) You can try hacking together a custom solution like this, or dunni's class in this, which is what I did using the getPaint().measureText(str) to search for the right size, but it got a lot messier since I need it to wrap only on whitespace...
3) You can keep searching- I've tried more alternatives than I can count. Ted's advice on StaticLayout hasn't paid off for me but maybe there's something there; I tried using the StaticLayout.getEllipsis(line) to determine if text was going off screen, to no effect. See my (presently un-answered) post about that here.