I\'m starting making experience with the Raspberry Pi 2 Development with Windows 10 and I was wondering how can I configurate the Raspberry Pi 2 to autostart my own published ap
I was looking at how to do this myself this evening. What I found was that you can edit the Pi's startup through Powershell on your PC and tell it what app to load.
Setting startup app:
Use the startup editor to configure startup apps on your Windows IoT Core device. Run Startup with any of the following options:
Startup /d displays the list of startup apps.
Startup /a [name] [path] adds an app with name name located at path path to the list of startup tasks.
Startup /r [name] removes an app with name name from the list of startup tasks.
For further help, try startup.exe /?
As far as region settings, you can do that while loading up the default screen on the Pi. When you get to the Windows screen, there is a gear icon in the lower right that will bring you there. Unfortunately, there isn't a real time clock built into the Raspberry Pi, so you'd have to add one (hardware) or pull it from the internet.