I\'m trying to enable users to use maps offline in my react native App, I\'m using react-native-maps
I want to provide the offline mode just for a predefined area (l
If you want do download tales you can use React-native MapBox's SnapShotManager.
Refer to the SnapShotManager docs: https://github.com/react-native-mapbox-gl/maps/blob/master/docs/snapshotManager.md
// creates a temp file png of base map
const uri = await MapboxGL.snapshotManager.takeSnap({
centerCoordinate: [-74.126410, 40.797968],
width: width,
height: height,
zoomLevel: 12,
pitch: 30,
heading: 20,
styleURL: MapboxGL.StyleURL.Dark,
writeToDisk: true, // Create a temporary file
// creates base64 png of base map without logo
const uri = await MapboxGL.snapshotManager.takeSnap({
centerCoordinate: [-74.126410, 40.797968],
width: width,
height: height,
zoomLevel: 12,
pitch: 30,
heading: 20,
styleURL: MapboxGL.StyleURL.Dark,
withLogo: false, // Disable Mapbox logo (Android only)
// creates snapshot with bounds
const uri = await MapboxGL.snapshotManager.takeSnap({
bounds: [[-74.126410, 40.797968], [-74.143727, 40.772177]],
width: width,
height: height,
styleURL: MapboxGL.StyleURL.Dark,