This question follows directly from my previous question here in SO . I think the answer to my second question is no . So I would like understand why there is no ConcurrentLinke
From a design point of view, it makes more sense to always have to use
Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
Set s = m.keySet(); // Needn't be in synchronized block
synchronized(m) { // Synchronizing on m, not s!
Iterator i = s.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block
while (i.hasNext())
example in synchronizedMap
Why? Because the synchronization mechanism is tied to a high abstraction (the Map
interface). But assuming I am right there can be two reasons to still have ConcurrentHashMap
exists before this sync mechanismMy point is in the ideal world of design even ConcurrentHashMap
should not exist.
#end //personal opinion