I have a file like the following and I would like to print the lines between two given patterns PAT1
and PAT2
This is like a foot-note to the 2 top answers above (awk & sed). I needed to run it on a large number of files, and hence performance was important. I put the 2 answers to a load-test of 10000 times:
for i in `seq 10000`;do sed -n '/PAT1/,/PAT2/{/PAT1/!{/PAT2/!p;};}' patternTester >> sedTesterOutput; done
for i in `seq 10000`;do awk '/PAT1/{flag=1; next} /PAT2/{flag=0} flag' patternTester >> awkTesterOutput; done
Here are the results:
zsh sedTester.sh 11.89s user 39.63s system 81% cpu 1:02.96 total
zsh awkTester.sh 38.73s user 60.64s system 79% cpu 2:04.83 total
sed solutions seems to be twice as fast as the awk solution (Mac OS).