We are given an array of n elements and an integer k. Suppose that we want to slide a window of length k across the array, reporting the largest value contained in each window.
You could proceed like a tabu search :
Loop through the list and get the max of the 4 first ith element. Then on the next step just check if the i+1th element is superior to the max of the previous elements
I'm not sure it's clear but tell me if you have any question. below is a code in python to test it.
res=[-1] #initialise res
tabu=1 #initialise tabu
for k in range(0,len(l)):
#if the previous element res[-1] is higher than l[k] and not tabu then keep it
#if the previous is tabu and higher than l[k] make a new search without it
#if the previous is smaller than l[k] take the new max =l[k]
if l[k]= res[-1]:
print res[N:] #take of the N first element
I updated the code thx to flolo and the complexity. it's not anymore O(N) but O(M*N)
The worst case is when you need to recalculate a maximum at each step of the loop. i e a strictly decreasing list for example.
at each step of the loop you need to recalculate the max of M elements
then the overall complexity is O(M*N)