How do interrupts work on the Intel 8080? I have searched Google and in Intel\'s official documentation (197X), and I\'ve found only a little description about this. I need a d
The 8080 has an Interrupt line (pin 14). All peripherals are wired to this pin, usually in a "wire-OR" configuration (meaning interrupt request outputs are open-collector and the interrupt pin is pulled high with a resistor). Internally, the processor has an Interrupt Enable bit. Two instructions, EI and DI, set and clear this bit. The entire interrupt system is thus turned on or off, individual interrupts cannot be masked on the "bare" 8080. When a device issues an interrupt, the processor responds with an "Interrupt Acknowledge" (~INTA) signal. This signal has the same timing as the "Memory Read" (~MEMR) signal and it is intended to trigger the peripheral device to place a "Restart" instruction on the data bus. The Interrupt Acknowledge signal is basically an instruction fetch cycle, it occurs only in response to an interrupt.
There are eight Restart instructions, RST 0 - RST 7. RST 7 is opcode "0xFF". The Restart instructions cause the processor to push the program counter on the stack and commence execution at a restart vector location. RST 0 vectors to 0x0000, RST 1 vectors to 0x0008, RST 2 vectors to 0x0010 and so on. Restart 7 vectors to 0x0038. These vector addresses are intended to contain executable code, generally a jump instruction to an interrupt service routine. The Interrupt Service Routine will stack all of the registers it uses, perform the necessary I/O functions, unstack all the registers and return to the main program via the same return instruction that ends subroutines (RET, opcode 0xC9).
Restart instructions are actual opcodes, meaning they will do the same thing if they are fetched from memory during program execution. It was convenient to use Restart 7 as "warm restart" for a keyboard monitor / debugger program because early EPROMs generally contained 0xFF in each blank location. If you were executing blank EPROM, that meant something had gone awry and you probably wanted to go back to the monitor anyway.
Note that RST 0 vectors to the same memory location as RESET, both start executing at 0x0000. But RST 0 leaves a return address on the stack. In a way, RESET can be thought of as the only non-maskable interrupt the 8080 had.
An interrupt signal will also clear the Interrupt bit so an Interrupt Service Routine will need to execute an EI instruction, generally immediately before the RET. Otherwise, the system will respond to one and only one interrupt event.
CP/M reserved the first 256 bytes of memory for system use -- and that interrupt vector map used the first 64 bytes (8 bytes per Restart instruction). On CP/M systems, RAM started at 0x0000 and any ROM lived at the top end of memory. These systems used some form of clever bank switching to switch in an EPROM or something immediately after a RESET to provide a JUMP instruction to the system ROM so it could begin the boot sequence. Systems that had ROM at the low end of the memory map programmed JUMP instructions to vectors located in RAM into the first 64 bytes. These systems had to initialize those RAM vectors at startup.