In my website I have a file input
tag to upload photo/video.
When the website is opened in mobile safari, and when we click on the file input, an Action sheet opens
I've a php solution implemented from this, I'm not sure that that's going to help you, but here is the code:
echo "Exposure Time: " . $camera['exposure'] . "
echo "Aperture: " . $camera['aperture'] . "
echo "ISO: " . $camera['iso'] . "
echo "Date Taken: " . $camera['date'];
// This function is used to determine the camera details for a specific image. It returns an array with the parameters.
function cameraUsed($imagePath) {
// Check if the variable is set and if the file itself exists before continuing
if ((isset($imagePath)) and (file_exists($imagePath))) {
// There are 2 arrays which contains the information we are after, so it's easier to state them both
$exif_ifd0 = read_exif_data($imagePath ,'IFD0' ,0);
$exif_exif = read_exif_data($imagePath ,'EXIF' ,0);
//error control
$notFound = "Unavailable";
// Make
if (@array_key_exists('Make', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camMake = $exif_ifd0['Make'];
} else { $camMake = $notFound; }
// Model
if (@array_key_exists('Model', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camModel = $exif_ifd0['Model'];
} else { $camModel = $notFound; }
// Exposure
if (@array_key_exists('ExposureTime', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camExposure = $exif_ifd0['ExposureTime'];
} else { $camExposure = $notFound; }
// Aperture
if (@array_key_exists('ApertureFNumber', $exif_ifd0['COMPUTED'])) {
$camAperture = $exif_ifd0['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'];
} else { $camAperture = $notFound; }
// Date
if (@array_key_exists('DateTime', $exif_ifd0)) {
$camDate = $exif_ifd0['DateTime'];
} else { $camDate = $notFound; }
// ISO
if (@array_key_exists('ISOSpeedRatings',$exif_exif)) {
$camIso = $exif_exif['ISOSpeedRatings'];
} else { $camIso = $notFound; }
$return = array();
$return['make'] = $camMake;
$return['model'] = $camModel;
$return['exposure'] = $camExposure;
$return['aperture'] = $camAperture;
$return['date'] = $camDate;
$return['iso'] = $camIso;
return $return;
} else {
return false;
You can take the $camera['date'] value to compare with the actual datetime, and if there are a few seconds difference, you can assume it was taken by the phone just now.