I\'m working on a script that spins up a fresh EC2 instance with boto and uses the Paramiko SSH client to execute remote commands on the instance. For whatever reason, the Param
The way to check it's ssh available is to make sure its two status checks both passes. On web UI it looks like this:
And using boto3 (the original question used boto but it was 5 years ago), we can do:
session = boto3.Session(...)
client = session.client('ec2')
res = client.run_instances(...) # launch instance
instance_id = res['Instances'][0]['InstanceId']
while True:
statuses = client.describe_instance_status(InstanceIds=[instance_id])
status = statuses['InstanceStatuses'][0]
if status['InstanceStatus']['Status'] == 'ok' \
and status['SystemStatus']['Status'] == 'ok':
print '.'
print "Instance is running, you are ready to ssh to it"