In Python you can do something like this:
r = requests.get(\"\", params=params)
data = r.json()
And now data
I prefer to add a type declaration, that way you can add methods to simplify the type assertions:
package main
import (
type Map map[string]interface{}
func (m Map) M(s string) Map {
return m[s].(map[string]interface{})
func (m Map) N(s string) float64 {
return m[s].(float64)
func main() {
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("action", "wbgetentities")
v.Set("format", "json")
v.Set("ids", "Q24871")
resp, e := http.Get("" + v.Encode())
if e != nil {
data := Map{}
pageid := data.M("entities").M("Q24871").N("pageid")
println(pageid == 28268)